

Want to win 3 pairs of shoes at once?

My favorite online fashion social network, CLOZETTE INDONESIA is  holding a CONTEST ft. Butterfly Twist.

You can win 3 pairs of shoes by following these easy steps: CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW & JOIN!

Pilih sepatu andalan dan Menangkan 3 buah pasang sepatu ButterflyTwist untuk kamu dan orang yang kamu sayangi!
Bingung menentukannya? Langsung lihat seluruh koleksi nya dengan  mengklik panah berwarna pink disebelah kanan. Pilih mana sepatu yang  cocok untukmu dan sepatu yang cocok untuk kamu hadiahkan ke orang yang  kamu sayangi dengan cara menuliskan di comment box.

1 comment:

  1. The shoes produced for JG-Shoe are not mass produced by machinery. All of our shoes are made by Korean artisans who have made handmade shoes for 30 years. Our shoes include designs that are reflected in the latest trends and fashions. They are made with the highest quality materials and latest technology that results in shoes that are unique, stylish and comfortable.


thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
